By Brad A. Greenberg
Excerpt: "Scott Moreau, a missions professor at Wheaton College, estimates that two decades ago half of his graduate students believed building churches abroad was their top priority. Today, it might be 10%".
Frontline Resources is all about equipping ARNA nationals to strengthen their local, indigenous churches. One supernatural/natural fruit may be summed up by the old but timeless adage: "healthy sheep beget healthy sheep."
Frontline Resources exists to equip indigenous ARNA believers to grow in the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus.(Ephesians 1: 17-23; See also: Ephesians 4:10-16) These indigenous believers, in turn, fulfill the Great Commission as commanded in Matthew 28:19-20 in their own Jersulaem, Judea, Samaria (and beyond) as they are able to do - in short order - that which Western missionaries would take decades to accomplish. Of course, there are exceptions.
Sometimes our side-bys-side work with them nvovles the "social gospel". However, rest assured it is inextricably intertwined with The Gospel. -By the grace of God, the wheels of our Chariots remain in place (i.e. dependence on the Word and Works of Jesus!)
That said, please pray that our wheels do not fall off!
If any man (or ministry) thinks hw/it stands (on its own), let it take heed lest he/it fall. 1 Corinthians 10:14
How Missionaries Lost Their Chariots of Fire
By Brad A. Greenberg
The 1910 World Missionary Conference was a watershed moment for Protestantism. Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, the assembled 1,200 Protestants believed that Christianity was on the cusp of spreading to every corner of the world, and that Christ would come again once every ear had heard the good news of salvation. Their master plan for missions would hasten his return.
But Edinburgh 2010, the centenary conference that concluded last month, drew only about a quarter of the crowd and received attention only from a few Christian publications. The modern master plan was less ambitious as well: a call to global missions and "to witness and evangelism in such a way that we are a living demonstration of the love, righteousness and justice that God intends for the whole world."
This dramatic change was summed up at a small gathering of academics and missions professionals at Fuller Theological Seminary in late May. "At (1910) Edinburgh, people thought they were going to take over the world," said C. Douglas McConnell, dean of Fuller's School of Intercultural Studies in his opening remarks. "And now many of our students wonder if they should even try."
Indeed, colonialism is dead (thankfully). But the term "missions" itself now carries with it a negative connotation, even in politically and theologically conservative circles. Christians today typically travel abroad to serve others, but not necessarily to spread the gospel.
While meaning well and certainly doing good, this form of outreach has allowed the pendulum to swing too far from 1910. Today, Christian missionaries need to balance both actions and words. The overwhelming majority of American missionaries today are "vacationaries." Joining mission trips of two weeks or less, they serve in locales where Christianity already predominates.
The purpose, then, of their visit is to battle the ills of poverty and to stretch their own spirituality. According to studies by Robert J. Priest, a missiologist and director of the doctoral program in intercultural studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 82% of short-term missions today go to countries in the most-Christian third of the world. Only 2% land in the Middle East.
The work these missionaries do reflects a paradigm shift—from spreading Christianity, to living it, says David A. Livermore, executive director of the Global Learning Center at Cornerstone University. "In a postmodern context it goes against the grain to go in and do hard-core proselytizing. To millenials, it really feels like al Qaeda in Christian wineskins." And "that's a good shift," he adds, because "it's caused us to see it's not enough to say Jesus loves you and then jump on a plane and go home."
This is especially apparent in the surge of American Christians now working for African orphanages or fighting the child-sex trade in Thailand. Although no hard numbers are available, missions experts note rising interest in strictly social justice and humanitarian work, even on short-term visits.
Scott Moreau, a missions professor at Wheaton College, estimates that two decades ago half of his graduate students believed building churches abroad was their top priority. "Today, it might be 10%," Moreau says. "Fighting trafficking, orphanage work, HIV-AIDS, poverty—that is probably 50%." (Those remaining have a variety of primary interests.)
In part, that is what Africa needs. The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life reported in April that neither Christianity nor Islam had much opportunity for further growth in sub-Saharan Africa. At least 90% of people in the 19 countries surveyed identified themselves as Christian or Muslim, so the pool of potential converts outside those religions remains small.
Among the organizations working for social justice in Africa is Invisible Children, a San Diego-based group raising awareness about abducted children, most notoriously those dragooned into warring militias. Invisible Children's media kit emphatically states that its founders "believe in Christ, but do NOT want to limit themselves in any way."
Their motivation, though, certainly comes from a Christian place. "If you take that message—love another as yourself—and you apply that to kids in northern Uganda who are getting abducted, what does that mean? I knew, from that, that I had to do something," says Ben Keesey, the CEO.
Spreading Christianity through deeds alone aligns with a quote attributed to St. Francis of Assisi: "Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." But research suggests that non-Christians often miss the message without the words.
A 2006 study by Calvin College's Kurt Ver Beek found "little or no difference" in the spiritual response between two groups of Hondurans—one which had its homes rebuilt by missionaries who did not proselytize and the other by local NGOs. Intuition would suggest as much. Unless foreigners explain that they are motivated to help by their religious beliefs, locals may be grateful for the new home but they should not be expected to connect dots that they may not even know exist.
The reality is the Church should be doing both: serving the needy and spreading the gospel. This is what makes the humanitarian work of Christians different than that of the American Red Cross. Both are motivated by the desire to help others, but Christians are spurred by that Jesus thing.
The Rev. Albert B. Collver, an executive with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod's World Relief and Human Care division, sums it up well: "It is the recognition that Christ died, that he wants everyone to be saved and that his love for the church is a love for all of mankind."
07 July 2010
22 June 2010
For Heaven's Sake: Embrace the Earthly Quarry!
"He shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory." Zec 6:13
Christ himself is the builder of his spiritual temple, and he has built it on the mountains of his unchangeable affection, his omnipotent grace, and his infallible truthfulness. But as it was in Solomon’s temple, so in this; the materials need making ready. There are the "Cedars of Lebanon," but they are not framed for the building; they are not cut down, and shaped, and made into those planks of cedar, whose odoriferous beauty shall make glad the courts of the Lord’s house in Paradise. There are also the rough stones still in the quarry, they must be hewn thence, and squared. All this is Christ’s own work. Each individual believer is being prepared, and polished, and made ready for his place in the temple; but Christ’s own hand performs the preparation work. Afflictions cannot sanctify, excepting as they are used by him to this end. Our prayers and efforts cannot make us ready for heaven, apart from the hand of Jesus, who fashioneth our hearts aright.
As in the building of Solomon’s temple, "there was neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron, heard in the house," because all was brought perfectly ready for the exact spot it was to occupy—so is it with the temple which Jesus builds; the making ready is all done on earth. When we reach heaven, there will be no sanctifying us there, no squaring us with affliction, no planing us with suffering. No, we must be made meet here—all that Christ will do beforehand; and when he has done it, we shall be ferried by a loving hand across the stream of death, and brought to the heavenly Jerusalem, to abide as eternal pillars in the temple of our Lord.
Beneath his eye and care,
The edifice shall rise,
Majestic, strong, and fair,
And shine above the skies.
Spurgeon Morning & Evening June 22 - Morning
{Daily Reading: #Job 30:1-33:33} {Quick Study: #Job 35:1-37:24}
Christ himself is the builder of his spiritual temple, and he has built it on the mountains of his unchangeable affection, his omnipotent grace, and his infallible truthfulness. But as it was in Solomon’s temple, so in this; the materials need making ready. There are the "Cedars of Lebanon," but they are not framed for the building; they are not cut down, and shaped, and made into those planks of cedar, whose odoriferous beauty shall make glad the courts of the Lord’s house in Paradise. There are also the rough stones still in the quarry, they must be hewn thence, and squared. All this is Christ’s own work. Each individual believer is being prepared, and polished, and made ready for his place in the temple; but Christ’s own hand performs the preparation work. Afflictions cannot sanctify, excepting as they are used by him to this end. Our prayers and efforts cannot make us ready for heaven, apart from the hand of Jesus, who fashioneth our hearts aright.
As in the building of Solomon’s temple, "there was neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron, heard in the house," because all was brought perfectly ready for the exact spot it was to occupy—so is it with the temple which Jesus builds; the making ready is all done on earth. When we reach heaven, there will be no sanctifying us there, no squaring us with affliction, no planing us with suffering. No, we must be made meet here—all that Christ will do beforehand; and when he has done it, we shall be ferried by a loving hand across the stream of death, and brought to the heavenly Jerusalem, to abide as eternal pillars in the temple of our Lord.
Beneath his eye and care,
The edifice shall rise,
Majestic, strong, and fair,
And shine above the skies.
Spurgeon Morning & Evening June 22 - Morning
{Daily Reading: #Job 30:1-33:33} {Quick Study: #Job 35:1-37:24}
redeem the time,
16 December 2009
"Christian Elephants" Attack Persecutors in Inda - MUST SEE!!!!!
Click on the photo-captured article to see it in an easily readable size.
It is an absolutely amazing story of the King of Kings and God of all Creation literally sending elephants to attack persecutors of Christians in Orissa, India!
It is an absolutely amazing story of the King of Kings and God of all Creation literally sending elephants to attack persecutors of Christians in Orissa, India!
Christian Elephants,
King of Kings,
10 November 2009
God's Extravagant, Outrageous, MInd-Blowing Love for YOU & ME
This video is pictures set to a prophetic message by Graham Cooke. Music by Jonathan David Helser from "The Awakening" CD.
God's children,
self harm
Is There Persecution in China and Southeast Asia or Not?
What do Waffles and Persecution in China and SE Asia Have in Common?
We have observed “waffle-like” patterns in China and Southeast Asian nations for over two decades. Here is what we mean: While one square of the waffle (city, province, region) in a given country may be relatively peaceful (syrupy enough to swim in), the square(s) adjacent to it or hundreds of miles away can be full of persecution (dry), Bible shortages, etc. Moreover, present realities - be they characterized by relative “peace” or “persecution” - do not guarantee that circumstances will stay the same. Often a report from one square of the waffletoday will be quite the opposite over the next month, or year, or other seemingly random sequence of time.
"Square(s)” situations can and and often do change. So, please do not rely solely on reports that declare the end of persecution, or that there are plenty of Bibles, or that there is no need for training, or that it is no longer necessary for missionaries / “tentmakers” to guard their identities, etc. These reports typically come from good-willed people whose knowledge is limited to “their square” &/or influenced by Chinese Communist propaganda. Hence, these well-intentioned, but limited-in-scope reports are often errantly presented as representative of the entire waffle. “It’s all good” reports may be true in one, or many waffle’s squares, but they rarely reflect Christendom realities throughout a given province, region or country and they do not guarantee the same will be true next month, or next year, or … tomorrow!
Waffle Concept Credit to Chinese Christians. -Who Can Argue with Those that Live In the Waffle and Live At-Risk or Persecuted Daily?!
We have observed “waffle-like” patterns in China and Southeast Asian nations for over two decades. Here is what we mean: While one square of the waffle (city, province, region) in a given country may be relatively peaceful (syrupy enough to swim in), the square(s) adjacent to it or hundreds of miles away can be full of persecution (dry), Bible shortages, etc. Moreover, present realities - be they characterized by relative “peace” or “persecution” - do not guarantee that circumstances will stay the same. Often a report from one square of the waffletoday will be quite the opposite over the next month, or year, or other seemingly random sequence of time.
"Square(s)” situations can and and often do change. So, please do not rely solely on reports that declare the end of persecution, or that there are plenty of Bibles, or that there is no need for training, or that it is no longer necessary for missionaries / “tentmakers” to guard their identities, etc. These reports typically come from good-willed people whose knowledge is limited to “their square” &/or influenced by Chinese Communist propaganda. Hence, these well-intentioned, but limited-in-scope reports are often errantly presented as representative of the entire waffle. “It’s all good” reports may be true in one, or many waffle’s squares, but they rarely reflect Christendom realities throughout a given province, region or country and they do not guarantee the same will be true next month, or next year, or … tomorrow!
Waffle Concept Credit to Chinese Christians. -Who Can Argue with Those that Live In the Waffle and Live At-Risk or Persecuted Daily?!
07 September 2009
The Strength Is In The Struggle
I ran across this at the Godshack Blog. I love the illustration of the caterpillar and the butterfly. The lonely butterfly egg hatches. The caterpillar just begins to instinctively eat the leaf it was hatched on. When it finishes that leaf it finds another. Yet one day, by God’s design, it climbs a small branch and spins a cocoon. In that cocoon, the caterpillar melts. From that liquid, God forms the butterfly. That is why the butterfly is all wet when it comes out of the cocoon. It then has to laboriously stretch out its wings to cause the liquids to move into its veins. Then it rests. Then it stretches out again and rests. Finally when it is dry and strong, the tiny thread that secured it to the cocoon breaks and it is free to fly and drink nectar.
Have you ever asked God to remove your trial? Paul did, and the Lord told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). I like to think about grace as a box. Each side top and bottom is labeled, “My grace is sufficient.” In my struggle, I often say, “Here I am Lord, standing in my grace box.” It helps me to focus on Him and realize afresh that I am surrounded by His grace strength.
Every trial contains another essential step in God’s purpose for our life. Hebrews 10:36 says, “For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” Did Abraham struggle as he waited twenty some years before God’s promise was fulfilled in his life? Romans 4:18 says, “Who, contrary to hope, in hope believed.” This needful endurance means that we can bear up under our difficult trial through hope, continually drawing our strength from the Lord.
1 Peter 5:10 says, “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” Did you notice that the establishing comes after the suffering? So many things in nature bear out this truth. The crocus that emerges through the snow, the baby bird that pecks its way through an egg, the seedling that pushes through the earth, all represent how the strength is in the struggle.
1 Peter 1:7 tells how the fiery trials are necessary to purify our faith. Faith is essential. Hebrews 11:6 says that "without faith it is impossible to please God". There is another aspect to struggling. People watch our faith. It could be that the trial you are enduring right now is a testimony to God’s grace strength in your life. I like to read true life stories of missionaries to see how God was faithful in their impossible circumstances. Their endurance fortifies and encourages me, as I read how God orchestrated their lives, interweaving people and circumstances to fulfill His divine purpose for them.
Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Be encouraged today to stand in your grace box and endure because the strength is in the struggle.
fiery trials,
sufficient grace
03 September 2009
China: Gov't (Still/Again) Struggling Over what to do with the House Church
The Chinese government continues to be in a quandary about what to do with the House Church. Frankly, this story has been going on a l o n g time. Still, one must recognize progress with precaution and concede that slow change has occurred over the past 25 years. Then again, hardliner "crackdowns" remain and they are ordered quite frequently.
Some in the Central Government's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are looking for a way to exist peacefully with the House Church. -They recognize Christians' positive contribution to society as a whole. At the same time, other high ranking government officials are wary of the House Church because she is not controlled like the "Three Self Patriotic Movement" (TSPM) government-sanctioned church. Furthermore, some government leaders remain hardcore Communists (aka Atheists that still believe "religion is the opiate of the people") while others are not pure Communist ideologues. Moreover, there are secret Christians among CCP ranks at all levels.
So there you have it! My preface to the Christian Newswire story below. A preface that is necessarily marked by multiple modifiers like "then again", "on the one hand, "some, while others", "on the other hand", "still" and the like. -Such is China!
As the Chinese government's evolving struggle over what to do with the House Church continues, please pray that God's sovereignly implements His answer!
"The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes." Proverbs 21:1
CHCA President, Pastor 'Bike,' Issues 4th Open Letter to President Hu Jintao -- HENAN, China, Aug. 31 - Christian Newswire
With the 60th Anniversary Celebration of Communist Party rule in China rapidly approaching, Chinese authorities continue vilifying Christians as "imaginary enemies, " boldly taking actions to dismantle and control the independent Christian church, especially in Beijing. In response, Pastor "Bike" Jiang Mingxuan, President and Founder of the Chinese House Church Alliance, issued his fourth public "Open Letter to President Hu Jintao," on August 16, 2009.
Pastor "Bike" with Newly Ordained Pastors at the Chinese House Church Alliance
In the letter, he listed grievances of specific house churches against the local governments: "These state officials mistreat millions of Christians in China as the "social disturbance." They impose fines and enforce detention to the Christians, claiming they are "cult" and "illegal gathering". Those officials robbed items and money from the Christians and keep the value to themselves." He appealed to President Hu Jintao to reform corruption in the Chinese government and promote legal equality for all believers.
Pastor Bike also shared Christ's love with the President: "The Christians in China were arrested, beaten and killed like lambs by your subordinates but they endure the hardship and love you like Jesus does regardless." Though he assured the President that Chinese Christians would not avenge themselves, he cautioned that "the...persecution Christians suffer will make them stronger warriors for Christ; however, those who persecute the children of God will have to pay the penalty."
Some in the Central Government's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are looking for a way to exist peacefully with the House Church. -They recognize Christians' positive contribution to society as a whole. At the same time, other high ranking government officials are wary of the House Church because she is not controlled like the "Three Self Patriotic Movement" (TSPM) government-sanctioned church. Furthermore, some government leaders remain hardcore Communists (aka Atheists that still believe "religion is the opiate of the people") while others are not pure Communist ideologues. Moreover, there are secret Christians among CCP ranks at all levels.
So there you have it! My preface to the Christian Newswire story below. A preface that is necessarily marked by multiple modifiers like "then again", "on the one hand, "some, while others", "on the other hand", "still" and the like. -Such is China!
As the Chinese government's evolving struggle over what to do with the House Church continues, please pray that God's sovereignly implements His answer!
"The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes." Proverbs 21:1
CHCA President, Pastor 'Bike,' Issues 4th Open Letter to President Hu Jintao -- HENAN, China, Aug. 31 - Christian Newswire
With the 60th Anniversary Celebration of Communist Party rule in China rapidly approaching, Chinese authorities continue vilifying Christians as "imaginary enemies, " boldly taking actions to dismantle and control the independent Christian church, especially in Beijing. In response, Pastor "Bike" Jiang Mingxuan, President and Founder of the Chinese House Church Alliance, issued his fourth public "Open Letter to President Hu Jintao," on August 16, 2009.
Pastor "Bike" with Newly Ordained Pastors at the Chinese House Church Alliance
In the letter, he listed grievances of specific house churches against the local governments: "These state officials mistreat millions of Christians in China as the "social disturbance." They impose fines and enforce detention to the Christians, claiming they are "cult" and "illegal gathering". Those officials robbed items and money from the Christians and keep the value to themselves." He appealed to President Hu Jintao to reform corruption in the Chinese government and promote legal equality for all believers.
Pastor Bike also shared Christ's love with the President: "The Christians in China were arrested, beaten and killed like lambs by your subordinates but they endure the hardship and love you like Jesus does regardless." Though he assured the President that Chinese Christians would not avenge themselves, he cautioned that "the...persecution Christians suffer will make them stronger warriors for Christ; however, those who persecute the children of God will have to pay the penalty."
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