16 December 2009

"Christian Elephants" Attack Persecutors in Inda - MUST SEE!!!!!

Click on the photo-captured article to see it in an easily readable size.

It is an absolutely amazing story of the King of Kings and God of all Creation literally sending elephants to attack persecutors of Christians in Orissa, India!

10 November 2009

God's Extravagant, Outrageous, MInd-Blowing Love for YOU & ME

This video is pictures set to a prophetic message by Graham Cooke. Music by Jonathan David Helser from "The Awakening" CD.

Is There Persecution in China and Southeast Asia or Not?

What do Waffles and Persecution in China and SE Asia Have in Common?

We have observed “waffle-like” patterns in China and Southeast Asian nations for over two decades. Here is what we mean: ­While one square of the waffle (city, province, region) in a given country may be relatively peaceful (syrupy enough to swim in), the square(s) adjacent to it or hundreds of miles away can be full of persecution (dry), Bible shortages, etc. Moreover, present realities - be they characterized by relative “peace” or “persecution” -­ do not guarantee that circumstances will stay the same. Often a report from one square of the waffletoday will be quite the opposite over the next month, or year, or other seemingly random sequence of time.

"Square(s)” situations can ­ and and often do ­ change. So, please do not rely solely on reports that declare the end of persecution, or that there are plenty of Bibles, or that there is no need for training, or that it is no longer necessary for missionaries / “tentmakers” to guard their identities, etc. These reports typically come from good-willed people whose knowledge is limited to “their square” &/or influenced by Chinese Communist propaganda. Hence, these well-intentioned, but limited-in-scope reports are often errantly presented as representative of the entire waffle. “It’s all good” reports may be true in one, or many waffle’s squares, but they rarely reflect Christendom realities throughout a given province, region or country and they do not guarantee the same will be true next month, or next year, or … tomorrow!

Waffle Concept Credit to Chinese Christians. -Who Can Argue with Those that Live In the Waffle and Live At-Risk or Persecuted Daily?!

07 September 2009

The Strength Is In The Struggle

I ran across this at the Godshack Blog. I love the illustration of the caterpillar and the butterfly. The lonely butterfly egg hatches. The caterpillar just begins to instinctively eat the leaf it was hatched on. When it finishes that leaf it finds another. Yet one day, by God’s design, it climbs a small branch and spins a cocoon. In that cocoon, the caterpillar melts. From that liquid, God forms the butterfly. That is why the butterfly is all wet when it comes out of the cocoon. It then has to laboriously stretch out its wings to cause the liquids to move into its veins. Then it rests. Then it stretches out again and rests. Finally when it is dry and strong, the tiny thread that secured it to the cocoon breaks and it is free to fly and drink nectar.

Have you ever asked God to remove your trial? Paul did, and the Lord told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). I like to think about grace as a box. Each side top and bottom is labeled, “My grace is sufficient.” In my struggle, I often say, “Here I am Lord, standing in my grace box.” It helps me to focus on Him and realize afresh that I am surrounded by His grace strength.

Every trial contains another essential step in God’s purpose for our life. Hebrews 10:36 says, “For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” Did Abraham struggle as he waited twenty some years before God’s promise was fulfilled in his life? Romans 4:18 says, “Who, contrary to hope, in hope believed.” This needful endurance means that we can bear up under our difficult trial through hope, continually drawing our strength from the Lord.

1 Peter 5:10 says, “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” Did you notice that the establishing comes after the suffering? So many things in nature bear out this truth. The crocus that emerges through the snow, the baby bird that pecks its way through an egg, the seedling that pushes through the earth, all represent how the strength is in the struggle.

1 Peter 1:7 tells how the fiery trials are necessary to purify our faith. Faith is essential. Hebrews 11:6 says that "without faith it is impossible to please God". There is another aspect to struggling. People watch our faith. It could be that the trial you are enduring right now is a testimony to God’s grace strength in your life. I like to read true life stories of missionaries to see how God was faithful in their impossible circumstances. Their endurance fortifies and encourages me, as I read how God orchestrated their lives, interweaving people and circumstances to fulfill His divine purpose for them.

Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Be encouraged today to stand in your grace box and endure because the strength is in the struggle.

03 September 2009

China: Gov't (Still/Again) Struggling Over what to do with the House Church

The Chinese government continues to be in a quandary about what to do with the House Church. Frankly, this story has been going on a l o n g time. Still, one must recognize progress with precaution and concede that slow change has occurred over the past 25 years. Then again, hardliner "crackdowns" remain and they are ordered quite frequently.

Some in the Central Government's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are looking for a way to exist peacefully with the House Church. -They recognize Christians' positive contribution to society as a whole. At the same time, other high ranking government officials are wary of the House Church because she is not controlled like the "Three Self Patriotic Movement" (TSPM) government-sanctioned church. Furthermore, some government leaders remain hardcore Communists (aka Atheists that still believe "religion is the opiate of the people") while others are not pure Communist ideologues. Moreover, there are secret Christians among CCP ranks at all levels.

So there you have it! My preface to the Christian Newswire story below. A preface that is necessarily marked by multiple modifiers like "then again", "on the one hand, "some, while others", "on the other hand", "still" and the like. -Such is China!

As the Chinese government's evolving struggle over what to do with the House Church continues, please pray that God's sovereignly implements His answer!

"The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes." Proverbs 21:1

CHCA President, Pastor 'Bike,' Issues 4th Open Letter to President Hu Jintao -- HENAN, China, Aug. 31 - Christian Newswire

With the 60th Anniversary Celebration of Communist Party rule in China rapidly approaching, Chinese authorities continue vilifying Christians as "imaginary enemies, " boldly taking actions to dismantle and control the independent Christian church, especially in Beijing. In response, Pastor "Bike" Jiang Mingxuan, President and Founder of the Chinese House Church Alliance, issued his fourth public "Open Letter to President Hu Jintao," on August 16, 2009.

Pastor "Bike" with Newly Ordained Pastors at the Chinese House Church Alliance

In the letter, he listed grievances of specific house churches against the local governments: "These state officials mistreat millions of Christians in China as the "social disturbance." They impose fines and enforce detention to the Christians, claiming they are "cult" and "illegal gathering". Those officials robbed items and money from the Christians and keep the value to themselves." He appealed to President Hu Jintao to reform corruption in the Chinese government and promote legal equality for all believers.

Pastor Bike also shared Christ's love with the President: "The Christians in China were arrested, beaten and killed like lambs by your subordinates but they endure the hardship and love you like Jesus does regardless." Though he assured the President that Chinese Christians would not avenge themselves, he cautioned that "the...persecution Christians suffer will make them stronger warriors for Christ; however, those who persecute the children of God will have to pay the penalty."

19 August 2009

Missions Mindset Illustrated by Excellent Slideshow

Jesus assigned His followers (the Church) to be the incarnated (in flesh) presence of God. Oh my! -That's you and me, believer.

Whether in your Jerusalem (home town), Judea (surrounding region), Samaria (among "unloveables"; aren't we all - I mean unloveable) or in the uttermost parts of the Earth - by the power of the Holy Spirit and through intimate connection with Jesus, let us think, live and speak the Word of God incarnationally / missionally.

Jesus, the consummate missionary, "had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that: a crucifixion." (Philippians 2:5-8 MSG) We are to let this mind be in us as it was in Jesus!

13 August 2009

Protect Your Church and Pastor from Crime & Violence

The news has recently covered several violent incidents against local churches and pastors in the U.S. This escalating trend appears to be forecasting disturbing intentions by growing numbers of militant opponents of Jesus and His Church.

In our changing world it is important in new ways to be wise as serpents while remaining harmless as doves. On way we can accomplish this is to learn practical ways to protect our pastor(s), congregations and church property from crime and violence.

Click on this link for excellent Protect Your Church from Crime and Violence guidelines.

Jesus said, "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves". (Matthew 10:16) This principle is true when we go out out amid wolves and when they come in to us. Jesus also said, "When they persecute you in this city, flee to another". (Matthew 10:23) In other words, take practical steps to protect yourself and watch God's purposes unfold along the way. He moves in supernaturally natural ways!

[Incidentally, we have found that a number of pastors are very interested in this article. Please do forward it to them. At the very least they will be grateful for your loving care for them and the Church.]

13 June 2009

Persecution (Some Graphic Images)

Please view and listen to our short (1 minute) video summarizing the ministry of Frontline Resources. -Simply click on the Title of this blog entry and you're there!

If you have any Christian Radio contacts, please forward this Blog and include a brief note requesting them to air it as a Public Service Announcement. If you take this welcomed supportive action, please let us know by emailing frontlineresources@frontlineresources.org. Thank you!

Also, feel free to forward our Web site (http://www.frontlineresources.org) to your friends and family that may have an interest in helping encourage and equip suffering saints behind the Bamboo Curtain and Beyond.

08 June 2009

What is the Recession For? By John Piper

What Is the Recession For?
February 2, 2009 | By: David Mathis (Pastor Piper's Executive Assistant)

God is sovereign over all finances. Any economic recession—global or personal—is never less than recession-by-divine-design.

When the economy plummets, God has his purposes—perhaps thousands upon thousands of purposes. Some of these purposes he has made known in his Book.

At least 5 of them are:

1. To expose hidden sin and so bring us to repentance and cleansing.

2. To wake us up to the constant and desperate condition of the developing world where there is always and only recession of the worst kind.

3. To relocate the roots of our joy in his grace rather than in our goods—in his mercy rather than our money, in his worth rather than our wealth.

4. To advance his saving mission in the world—the spread of the gospel and the growth of his church—precisely at a time when human resources are least able to support it. This is how he guards his glory.

5. To bring his church to care for its hurting members and to grow in the gift of love.

2 Corinthians 8:1 2 might be the clearest "recession text" in the Bible. It describes the roots of the joy of the Macedonian believers in their "recession." In their "severe test of affliction" and "extreme poverty, "their abundant joy overflowed in a wealth of generosity."

Their generosity didn't come from prosperity but from God's grace — and this grace rooted in "our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich" (2Corinthians 8:9).

03 June 2009

Are We Next?

Persecution of Christians is a way of life and on the increase in Asia and the world over. Thus, of late, I have been wondering: Are we next?

Let's assume for a moment (or more) that serious - even brutal - persecution may soon be part of our Christendom reality.

This possible (probable?) scenario begs - for starters - the following corollary questions and comments:

Are we ready? Are we preparing?

How truly intimate with Jesus and the Body of Christ are we?

Unengaged, uninvolved, spectator believers are not a threat to godless governments, institutions and individuals that only persecute fruit-bearing Christians.

Is the testimony of my lifestyle worthy of persecution for Christ's sake?

How about yours?

What bodies of believers from around the world will seek God for tangible ways to remind us that we have not been forgotten by our brothers and sisters - if, when, serious persecution is upon us?

Meanwhile, having briefly considered what it would be like for "us" to be "them":

How can you help encourage and equip those that are already suffering persecution or living daily under its threat.

The ministry of Frontline Resources is one way you are able to: Remember them that are in bonds (in ARNA), as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Hebrews 13:3

Frontline Resources

What do Waffles and Persecution Have in Common?

We have observed “waffle-like” patterns in China and Southeast Asian nations for over two decades. Here is what we mean: ­While one square of the waffle (city, province, region) in a given country may be relatively peaceful (syrupy enough to swim in), the square(s) adjacent to it or hundreds of miles away can be full of persecution (dry), Bible shortages, etc. Moreover, present realities - be they characterized by relative “peace” or “persecution” -­ do not guarantee that circumstances will stay the same. Often a report from one square of the waffletoday will be quite the opposite over the next month, or year, or other seemingly random sequence of time.

"Square(s)” situations can ­ and and often do ­ change. So, please do not rely solely on reports that declare the end of persecution, or that there are plenty of Bibles, or that there is no need for training, or that it is no longer necessary for missionaries / “tentmakers” to guard their identities, etc. These reports typically come from good-willed people whose knowledge is limited to “their square” &/or influenced by Chinese Communist propaganda. Hence, these well-intentioned, but limited-in-scope reports are often errantly presented as representative of the entire waffle. “It’s all good” reports may be true in one, or many waffle’s squares, but they rarely reflect Christendom realities throughout a given province, region or country and they do not guarantee the same will be true next month, or next year, or … tomorrow!

Waffle Concept Credit to Chinese Christians.

Frontline Resources